China has already become the world's factory today. In addition to low-value-added labor-intensive products such as shoes and socks, it also makes high-end products such as Apple smart phones. If you want to do business with China in the precision machining industry, you may face these problems sooner or later:
You may have been exposed to B2B business platforms like Alibaba, Made In China for several years, but feel that the quality of suppliers on the platforms is getting worse and worse, and you are starting to suspect that professional suppliers are not on B2B platforms.
The first problem is that search engines in China using Baidu instead of Google, secondly is the language problem. More than 90% of the manufacturers in the machinery industry are small and medium-sized plants. These manufacturers only focus on production and processing, and almost no one can speak English, and they even can’t communicate with you at all.
The quality of large companies is guaranteed, but the general customers may not get their preferential supply treatment, and the process of large companies may be cumbersome and inefficient.
Your supplier may say Ok when they receive the order, but when they deliver, you find that it is not the product you want.
The supplier cooperated well, the quality was good and the price was fair, but the delivery time was not guaranteed many times recently. The promised time was delayed again and again.
Contact IBEE now to find out how we would solve the pain point and help you in your next project.